

About Rice

HDS Global Private Limited is a Well-known Exporter in the Rice Market World over. Our rice are known by its quality and taste, being the major Exporter of the Rice, we believe in providing its first grade quality to the clients.

We offer air shipments to our clients so the order can be reached on time. We specialize in arranging the fastest, most convenient, and reliable routing for our customer’s shipments. To get more information, you can contact us as well. Our extensive knowledge of customer clearance makes us confident about your Cargo’s arrival at its destination safely and promptly.

Specification Details
Product Rice
Grade ‘A’ Grade Export Quality
Cultivation Type Organic
Shelf Life -
Packaging Type Tamper Proof Packing
Packaging Size As per requirement
Load-ability in 40 fit container 5000 Boxes
Supply Capacity As per Client's Requirment
Location Worldwide

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